Autism information and support

Little girl with woman looking at camera
Learn more about autism spectrum disorder.
Little boy wearing a baseball hat
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Child focused on something on the ground and not looking at camera
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Woman wearing a headset on the phone
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2 woman wearing glasses with the autism speaks logo behind them
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Family of 6 people posing for photo with sons focus off camera
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florist and medical professional

Do you have a job that's right for someone with autism? If you're hiring, the answer is yes!

Our Workplace Inclusion Now (WIN) program can help!

Learn more about WIN

Life on the spectrum

Josh smiling in front of a birthday cake on his 32nd birthday
Josh E. | 32 years old
My time working at the elementary school has shown me the true responsibilities that come from working in special education. I have a much greater appreciation for people working in the field after having seen the heart and discipline involved.
Read Josh E.'s Story
Blake and his mom
Blake D. | 15 years old
I feel that with autism, your brain just works different but not worse. I want people to know I can learn and do things like everyone else.
Jonathan Sutter from Traveling Wiki
Jonathan S.
I realized there was a challenge, and it largely came about because I started talking to the autism community, and many were not traveling.
A woman holding a diploma and wearing a red graduation cap and gown
Sarah Robin K. | 23 years old
Being fearless and strong means seeing the light at the end of a dark tunnel and making your way through.